Admin Panel

Admin Panel includes necessary tools for working with OpenCelium. There are: App, Users, Groups, Invokers, Templates, Notification Templates, Update Assistant, Converter.


The applications menu displays a list of software that OpenCelium connected with. If they are installed and configured on your machine, you can open them clicking on the card and see relations to OC. If not, you will see the notification message, that this system is down. Also, the corresponded item shows its status: enabled or disabled.


For this moment, there are two items: Kibana and Neo4j. Kibana lets you visualize your scheduler jobs data. Neo4j is a graph database of the connections. Its UI helps you to see the whole picture of each connection via nodes and their relations.


Users represent directly clients of the application. List of users shows all users of the system including the authorized user. Each element in the grid view displays a first and a second name of the user and his email. The list view has an email and an assigned group. The current user logically cannot be deleted.


Going into view of the user you see more details: phone number, department, organization, salutation, avatar, last time of the login and the group information to which the user belongs. If the user did not upload his avatar you will see the default image.


Adding/Updating user consists of three steps: credentials, user details and user group. Credential step has three input fields: email, password and repeat password.


The are all required fields. The email must be valid and the length not more than 255 characters. Moreover, it is also a unique field in the application.


The password’s and repeat password’s fields length must be between 8 and 16 symbols. The last one should have the same value as the password field. User Details step has next fields: name, surname, phone number, organization, department, salutation, avatar. Name and surname are required fields.


User Group step has only one select field - user group and a readonly textarea with a description to selected item. Meaning of the user group you can find in the chapter Groups.



Group or User Group is a set of users with defined permissions. The grid view displays names of groups, whereas the list view has more information, like: description and components.


Opening view of the group you will see the description and a table of permissions to the corresponding component.


Adding/Updating group consists of three steps: general data, components and permissions. General data step has three input fields: name, description and icon. The name is a required field.


Components step has one required multiselect field - components. There are 9 components in total: My Profile, User, User Group, Connector, Connection, Schedule, Dashboard, App, Invoker. You can select several values clicking on the items and undo clicking on the x.


The last permissions step has a table of permissions related to components that were chosen. It is required, so you should check at least one permission. You check what user can do with a component: create, read, update, or delete. The admin column just checks all permissions for the corresponding row.



Invoker is a special configuration file to work with APIs. There you describe the authentication part and calls that should be used in Connection.


For subscribers there is also a possibility to add and to update actions. Here, you can read more information.


These are business templates. In other words, they are connections that are saved as templates for often use. Here, you can read how to manage with them.

Notification Templates

Notification Templates are templates that are used in scheduler jobs to notify users for three event types: pre, post, and alert. Here, you can read how to manage with them.

Data Aggregator

Data Aggregator is a feature that provides a possibility to notify a user after the triggered connection (this happens in Schedules). Here, you can read how to manage with them.

Update Assistant

The Available Updates tool helps you to update OpenCelium to newer version. If the system recognizes a new version in the git repository, it shows the message that it is available. The update process consists of several steps, let’s consider them.

The System Check tests your machine if everything set up. Also it notifies you to make a backup of the system before update.


The Update Assistant provides you two options of the source: Online and Offline. The Online gets versions from the git and in Offline you can upload a zip file with OpenCelium version.


The Template-Update helps you to update connection templates files and use them in a new version. After updating you will be available to continue the process.


The Invoker-Update helps you to update invokers files and use them in a new version. After updating you will be available to continue the process.


The Connection-Migration helps you to update connections itself and use them in a new version. After updating you will be available to finish the process.


After all adjustments click on the Update OC to finish the procedure. If you want to see logs, please read the Administration paragraph.